
Helsng is a major city in Kinsland, and the location of a Wellspring.



Early History

Helsng was founded shortly before the revolt of Migol against the Empire. The remote location was, at the time, home only to the Tarn of Volsunga. It was here that, halted in his travel through the Veren Pass, Thormun was forced to take shelter from a storm blowing in from the Veren Sound.

Once inside, it didn’t take Thormun long to find what he assumed to be an ordinary pool of water. Parched, he drank, and then fell asleep as the storm outside passed.

When Thormun woke, it was to find himself transformed by the waters. He had grown taller, and found himself possessed of magical abilities. He instantly knew what he had found: one of the legendary Wellsprings, created by Mallidon and sealed away by the Archkyrie of old.

Thormun knew that the location of the Wellspring must be reported at once to the Empire. He was a firm believer in the Imperial stance on the Wellsprings and their use, and feared what would happen if another found the Wellspring, one who decided to use it for themselves.

Thormun made his way with all haste to the nearest town, which at the time was Taeleron, his own hometown. Here he sent word to the Empire, and the Wellspring was quickly seized.

A fortress was erected over the old Tarn of Volsunga, and soon a small village sprang up, started at first by the families of the soldiers who were sent to guard the Wellspring.

Helsng was in a strategic location, guarding one of the only passes between Kinsland and Braunglayde. No settlement had been erected there because the location was too remote, but with the Wellspring, the Empire kept up a constant stream of supplies and soldiers, and Helsng grew rapidly.

Modern History

Today Helsng is a major city in Kinsland, and the only safe haven on the perilous road through the Red Flats. Traffic regularly goes through it, and traders use the nearby Veren River to trade with Braunglayde to the east, as well as the settlements to the south.

A massive citadel guards the wellspring deep beneath, and a bustling city sprawls in the citadel’s shadow.



Helsng’s location in the Red Mountains keeps it fairly cool. Kinsland’s mostly arid climate means that little ran falls on the city. The Veren river supplies all the water the city needs.




Kyrie of all kinds can be found at Helsng, although the most prevalent are the Southern kyrie. Nearly a third of the population are soldiers.




Economic Overview

Notable Sources – Income and Expenses

Impact on Valhalla

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